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Monday, April 30, 2012

Panoply 2012!

I was so grateful to see so many of my JVE & MSE students at Panoply this year!  Thanks for coming out!  Here are a few photos from this year's Panoply.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MSE Dream Rocket is traveling around the country in art shows!

Jennifer Marsh, the artist who orchestrated the Dream Rocket project's quote about MSE's Dream Rocket painting:  "This panel is amazing!!!!!!!! it's just wonderful!!!!"  Awesome job, MSE students! 

Last year, MSE students created a 2'X6' Dream Rocket with the theme "Universal Peace."  Students brainstormed for words, images, etc.  K-5 students designed and painted this project.  Joey's image was picked as the person inside the shuttle (see attached images). 

The rocket is 3-D, and uses recycled materials such as cans and bags.

Right now, our rocket panel is being displayed in Kansas with other Dream Rocket works for YAM.  Here is the flicker pict and write up on the Dream Rocket site if you'd like to read more:

Hats Off to Art Aids!

Every year I choose two or three 5th grade art aids at JVE.  This year's art aids at both JVE and MSE have done a fantastic job!  Here's a few photos of my JVE art aids in action.  Thanks for all your hard work, girls!  I couldn't have done it without you!